Benilde (mujer)

Quiénes somos

Asociación Benilde


Benilde es una Asociación cultural, una ONG y una Asociación universitaria de la Universidad de Sevilla, sin ánimo de lucro. Nace de la iniciativa del grupo de investigación HUM753 “Escritoras y Escrituras” y del grupo de Cooperación al desarrollo “Género, Educación y sensibilización”, de la Universidad de Sevilla.

En sus tres diferentes ámbitos de actuación, Benilde se propone conjugar en plural dos términos que parecen alejados, y a veces antitéticos: Culturas y Mujeres, para actuar en el campo de la formación, de la integración, y de la igualdad de oportunidades entre mujeres y hombres.

Benilde se funda en la constatación de que muchas mujeres no pueden acceder a la formación y a la cultura, excluyendo así su desarrollo personal y profesional y la posibilidad de trasformar sus vidas a través de las ideas, la reflexión y el pensamiento crítico.

Benilde promueve la actuación y participación de las mujeres en todos los campos de la cultura, la creación artística y los estudios que tienen a las mujeres como sujetos/objeto de estudio, la escritura y la lectura de escritoras. Benilde promueve el diálogo, las relaciones y el intercambio entre la Universidad y las mujeres de las asociaciones, de las ONGs, de sectores menos favorecidas: marginadas por su raza, o cualquier otro motivo, en riesgo de exclusión social, extranjeras, enfermas, víctimas de violencia, con otras habilidades de cualquier tipo.

Benilde promueve, visibiliza, impulsa y divulga los logros de las mujeres en las culturas humanista y científica, pero también el reconocimiento de muchas de las actividades cotidianas de las mujeres como actividades culturales.


Benilde is a Cultural Association, a non-profit NGO, and a University Association from the University of Seville. It started in 2014 from the initiative of the Research Group HUM753 “Escritoras y Escrituras” (Writers & Writing) and from the Cooperation for Development Group “Gender, Education & Sensitizing”, from the University of Sevilla.

Benilde tries to work with: Cultures & Women, in the field of cultural actions, research and training and on equal opportunities between men and women. It main aims are:

  1. To promote participation and presence of women in the political, economical, cultural, social and academic life as an instrument for the development of society and for the intercultural promotion and fostering cooperation between women associations.
  2. To promote women participation in all spheres of culture, artistic creation and the studies and those in which women are subject/object of the study, writing and reading of women writers from different languages and cultures.
  3. To Foster the dialogue and exchanges between the University and Women & Youth Associations, NGO’s from disadvantage sectors: discriminated by race and any other reason, in risk of social exclusion, migrants & refugees, sick women, victims of violence, and/or handicapped.
  4. To disseminate women achievements in humanistic and scientific culture with the recognition daily and cultural activities and research of women.

The activities that Benilde organise related to the topic of this project are:

  • Organizing workshops, congress, seminars, conferences, exhibitions, symposium, performances, reading, cultural festivals, Cinema series, cine-forum, musicals, co-workings for women, theater, painting.
  • Design, preparation, development and evaluation of training courses in all educative spheres formal, non-formal and informal, public and private and from Primary School to University.
  • Awareness on fighting against women & girls violence.
  • Creation of new ways of leisure and new activities for Young women participation and the promotion of volunteering and solidarity citizenship from Gender perspective.
  • Creation of didactic material, hardware and software, audiovisual materials, artistic, literary, magazines, papers, books and e-books, guides, edition, design and production.
  • Translation and interpretation activities in all women creations and activities.
  • Action related with New Technologies for Women and Research and technology development.
  • Activities for Human Rights Defenders, mainly related to Sexual and Reproductive Rights (Viena Conference)
  • Projects and programmes of International Cooperation Development and Humanitarian Action with Gender Perspective.
  • Management of cultural, political, economical, social and university spaces.

Developed Activities:

  • Colaboration in the organization of the II Internacional Congress of Gender and Communication, University of Sevilla ( 2- 3 april 2014).
  • Organization of the Internacional Working days “Rape. Old myths and modern violence. Tribute to Franca Rame”, University of Sevilla ( 22-24 may 2014).
  • Organization of II Summer school “Damned women, women damned” Municipality of Alajar, (7-13 july 2014).
  • Organization of XI Summer course “Frida: women and creation”, MUnicipality of Casariche, (25- 31 august 2014).
  • Participation in the organization of the International Congress AUDEM “Artists, activists & achademics. Women on the other side of the trenches”, University of Oviedo (6-8 november 2014).
  • Conference: “Donne di cultura/cultura di donne”, Cultural Association Aurora, Palazzo Trentini, Trento (Italy, 10 novembre 2014).
  • Participation in the International Congress “Governance, citizenship and democracy”, Université Abdelmalek Assaadi, Faculté polydisciplinaire de Tétouan (Morocco, 6-10 decembre).
  • Organization of Informative Working days “For equality. European Politics and normatives”, University of Sevilla (15-17 decembre 2014).
  • Organization of the III Summer school “Light women”, Municipality of Alajar, (6-12 july 2015).
  • Organization of International Working days “The others. Women Experiences in an interconnected world”, University of Sevilla (22-24 september 2015).
  • Participation in the European Night of Researchers, 25 september 2015 in Sevilla. Workshop “Saberes de Sabores”. University of Sevilla.
  • Organization of the Euromediterramean Training Course: “Be brave: empower yourself”, Erasmus+ Youth in Action (2015-3-ES02-KA105-006989), 23-28 May 2016.
  • Organization of the Cinema Season “Evolution or involution”, October-November 2016.
  • Organization of the Training course “Research on Humanities with gender perspective”, 17 & 18 october 2016.
  • Organization of the Seminar “Intersections. Relation between arts and literature”, 14 & 15 december 2016.
  • Organization of the Cinema Season “Women for History”, march-april 2017.
  • Organization of the International meeting “Entrepreneurships of word, creation and brush”, 21 & 22 april 2017.
  • Organization of the International Congress “Breaking silence’ wall: Mediterranean women voices”, 4 & 5 May 2017.
  • Organization of the XIV International Congress “Absence: reconstruction of the literary canon in Europe and women writers”, 11-13 December 2017.